The definition of JURIS [Latin, Of
right; of law.]
And DICTION, noun [Latin , to speak.] Expression of ideas
by words; style; manner of expression.
I will
be using the Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible for the following verses
to demonstrate what it means to have Jurisdiction.
Luke 12:29-32 (YLT)
`And ye -- seek not what ye may eat, or what ye may drink, and be not in
for all these things do the nations of the world seek after, and your Father
hath known that ye have need of these things;
but, seek ye the reign of God, and all these things shall be added to you.
`Fear not, little flock, because your Father did delight to give you the reign;
This gives
a totally different understanding of what Jesus died to give us, He didn’t just
give us a place to go and live eternally when we die, He gave us the right to
reign in Him here and now. Verses 29-31
are all written in the present tense, not the future tense. Our (Juris-Diction)
or right to speak is based solely on the fact of Christ’s
provision for us as provided by His sacrifice on the cross. Jesus gave us the right to stand before Father,
standing in His righteousness, and declare that our desire is the right to claim
our reign as Sons and Daughters of the King of Glory and receive that gracious
So if
Jurisdiction is a matter of law, then we also must recognize that Jesus
fulfilled all the requirements of the law, and made a public spectacle of the
law and its defeat over Him. It is through
that fulfillment of the Law that we stand in Jesus’ right to reign, we reign in
Him and enjoin in His victory which now becomes our victory over the law.
1 John 4:4-6 (YLT)
Ye ― of God ye are, little children, and ye have overcome them; because greater
is He who is in you, than he who is in the world.
They ― of the world they are; because of this from the world they speak, and
the world doth hear them;
we ― of God we are; he who is knowing God doth hear us; he who is not of God,
doth not hear us; from this we know the spirit of the truth, and the spirit of
the error.
(This type of old world speaking
reminds me of Yoda the Jedi master in Star Wars.)
There are
some that have taken the gospel of reigning in Christ a bit too far, believing
that we should exercise our right to reign
over others, this is not the case. We
must reign first over our own minds and bodies and then over our physical
circumstances. Jesus paid the price for
each man and woman to reign and to be free from the power or right of sin and death
to speak into and to have control over our lives. We overcome the world by reigning in and
because of Christ!
The right
to reign is provisional, we cannot add to it, or take away from it, it is a
free gift. We reign as Kings and Priests
over our own minds and bodies as well as our own affairs as we recognize that we
are also a servant to others just as Jesus is.
Jesus is the perfect example of a servant King. He never used His power, position or
rule to lord it over anyone else, instead He used His reign to
demonstrate the love of God and allowed that to characterize His life and how He
interacted with others. This provisional reign
is grounded in the understanding that Jesus is coming back to receive His
Kingdom (His reign) from us who have
learned to reign and serve in and through Him.
Revelation 5:9-10
and they sing a new song, saying, `Worthy art thou to take the scroll, and to
open the seals of it, because thou wast slain, and didst redeem us to God in
thy blood, out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation,
and didst make us to our God kings and priests, and we shall reign upon the
We have an
amazing right which was given to us by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, the
right to declare or speak our reign
over sin, death, sickness, or anything which opposes the freedom and the love
of God has for us and others. That is
Jurisdiction. We can extend that reign
into areas of darkness around us and declare what is right and true with great
confidence. It may not always be well
received, but it does set up a standard or
stronghold by which our enemy (Satan)
cannot cross.
So what
does this realistically look like? How
do we practically exercise our reign in Jesus?
The book of Jude addresses this matter very well
Jude 1:20-21 (NKJV)
But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in
the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for
the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

1 Corinthians 14:5
and I wish you all to speak with tongues, and more that ye may prophecy, for
greater is he who is prophesying than he who is speaking with tongues, except
one may interpret, that the assembly may receive edification.
1 Corinthians 14:18-19
I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all; 19 yet in the
church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach
others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue.
Praying in
the Holy Spirit is a weighty matter, it is what fills us and prepares us spiritually
for what God has for us to do. We can
then stand in the legitimate jurisdiction or
right standing of reigning in Christ and taking hold of all that has been
afforded to us by His suffering and proclaim our present victories that have been
won at the cross.
Romans 8:16-17 (NKJV)
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17
and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed
we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.
Please realize
here that this is not a ‘name it and claim it gospel’ I am preaching here, but
a gospel which requires our participation by our surrender to the authority and
mastery of Jesus Christ, and our willingness to be clothed in His
righteousness. Like Jude said in verse
20, building ourselves up and praying in the spirit is an action, these are not nouns, but verbs. We
actively pray in the Holy Spirit to build ourselves up so that we know for a
surety that we are God’s children, and that we are indeed inheritors of the
in our case is the right to speak over anything that is contrary to the purposes
of God, and to declare the power and might of our Savior who defeated hell and
death, and brought us life and victory.
This is the truth in which we reign!
Jesus is our Bridegroom preparing us as His bride to reign in Him, and when He returns we will joyously give him our crowns and be right by His side amid all of the chaos and confusion of this world.
It truly is a divine romance! ☺
Jesus is our Bridegroom preparing us as His bride to reign in Him, and when He returns we will joyously give him our crowns and be right by His side amid all of the chaos and confusion of this world.
It truly is a divine romance! ☺
1:24-25 (NKJV)
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
to present you faultless
the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
To God our Savior,
alone is wise,
glory and majesty,
and power,
now and forever.
God is good all the time―all the time God is good!
God is good all the time―all the time God is good!
Divine Romance
Words and Music by Phil Wickham
The fullness of Your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty's all I see
The brightness of Your glory has arrived
In Your presence God, I'm completely satisfied
For You I sing I dance
Rejoice in this divine romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love
A deep deep flood, an Ocean flows from You
Of deep deep love, yeah it's filling up the room
Your innocent blood, has washed my guilty life
In Your presence God I'm completely satisfied
Chorus (Repeats)
©Copyright 2006 Seems Like Music / Phil
Wickham Music (admin. By Simpleville Music Inc.
The lyrics displayed here are copyrighted by the respective artist(s) and are demonstrated for educational purposes only and not for profit.
The lyrics displayed here are copyrighted by the respective artist(s) and are demonstrated for educational purposes only and not for profit.
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