Tuesday, May 5, 2020

"Don't worry about anything.." - Philippians 3:6-7 (GNT)

There is a lot to be concerned about, no doubt! With businesses closing, social distancing, and many out of work, it puts many people on edge. 

 But our hope is in someone greater than this world could offer, and that is in the new life offered through Christ Jesus. 

 The world is attempting to make God and the Church irrelevant by not allowing us to meet. Have you noticed how the media and government officials keep pointing to science and experts to find answers to the problems we presently face? There have been so many people who have different answers that you do not know who is telling the truth. 

Where are the people much like those of a generation ago would be calling our nation to fast and pray for our people and for our country?

For those who slept through Philosophy 101 in college, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a 19th-century German philosopher. He taught that the human mind could not understand anything unless it can be divided into two polar opposites. In other words: Right vs. Wrong, Good vs. Evil, Left vs. Right. Etc. 

According to Hegel, the way the discussion of a subject or argument proceeds is for one side to propose a thesis. Those who take an opposing view, respond with an antithesis. There the debate percolates until the proponents of the Thesis and the proponents of the antithesis can hopefully work out a synthesis, or not. 
For example, in our current American political system, synthesis is rarely achieved, even within our two major political parties, synthesis is, indeed, rare.

The Hegel method or Hegelian dialectic is a philosophical interpretive method in which the contradiction between a proposition (a thesis) and its antithesis is resolved at a higher level of truth and is composed of a three-part solutionproblem, reaction, solution.

So why am I mentioning this about George Hegel? Our government is presently employing this interpretive method of discourse upon our populace concerning the Coronavirus. 

The government is presenting a thesis that the Coronavirus is deadly with the unproven predictive models that many thousands or even millions will die. The immediate reaction of the populace is fear, so the public demands a solution to counter the virus. 
The government presents the antithesis which is social distancing (note: Mandatory Social Distancing has never been employed by our country before by isolating those who are healthy instead of the sick,) economic curtailment, stay at home orders by local jurisdictions, and unemployment of so-called non-essential workers, which has been readily accepted, as opposed to Martial Law. 
The eventual solution will be a mandatory vaccination for the Coronavirus. Presently, we are living in a police state where our freedoms are being curtailed, all in the name of an influenza virus. Do you see the pattern: Problem, Reaction, and Solution.

Our God is not in the business of sharing in competing solutions any more than He is willing to share His glory with another, and God is not required to use science to accomplish His desired outcome. 

However, our leaders are looking to science to solve these problems that they have created so that they can appear to be the victors over this perceived dilemma. 

These actions set the stage for a leader to rise and claim complete victory not just over the virus, but also over all of the economic woes that have crippled our country's economy, as well as the world's economy. The purpose of this leader is to become a figurehead uniting this country and the world by becoming the face of prosperity and wisdom. Sound familiar?

What is the endgame here? The endgame is that we would all 'be vaccinated' from the Coronavirus with mandatory compliance, which would preclude us from getting the virus and would include a digital 'tatoo' or 'quantum dot' which would be implanted in our arm along with the COVID 19 vaccine. 

 These are tracking chips that would be utilized not just for COVID 19 tracking as we have been led to believe, but also for eliminating the need for holding any type of identification, for travel, or for carrying money. 

Everything moving forward would be digitized, we would have a cashless society, for they now say that cash can hold the Coronavirus for ten days. That would also mean that we would be unable to work unless we have the 'quantum dot' in our body for it would identify us, and allow access to all of our digital information, currency, and medical records. There would no longer be any private monetary transactions; everything would be tracked.

This harkens back to ID-2020, a program which was set up by the Rockefeller Foundation and Microsoft (being the main proponents of this worldwide 'quantum dot' tracking goal) and other leaders and powerbrokers in industry and politics. 

 I am not trying to vilify anyone here as having ulterior motives, for I know that they think that they are doing a world of good with their altruistic efforts to create a 'unified world effort' so that everyone has a digital identity. 

God continually throughout the bible warned and forbade leaders from conducting a census and counting all the people together for their strengths or weakness, for it was always about strengthening the overreach and the rule of the leader and his government, not about empowering the people.

The tower of Babel is a prime example of a concentrated power base of people, which enthroned Nimrod and empowered him to think of himself as a god. Nimrod was a mighty man, a great hunter, and a tyrant, he was also a narcissist who thought he could be as God, but in the end, the God of heaven held the last word with Nimrod. Unfortunately, we are moving in that same direction for a one-world leader once again.

In 1905 one of the most famous quotes from George Santayana, a philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist, wrote, 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'  Becoming united with the world would only put us on the path for destruction once again, and our God will have to intervene as He did in the past, but this time to receive His Kingdom on this earth, and this time He will also reign on the earth. All of us who are His sons and daughters will reign with Him.

Believe me, when I tell you the time is short for the Lord's return, but several things must happen first before we can genuinely rejoice in the Lord's return. We will have to receive the mandatory vaccine with the 'quantum dot' to survive, not only to stave off the flu virus but eventually to work and to purchase food and to receive social security benefits going forward. This invasive process will be against our informed consent unless we stand up and demand our rights to decline, or allow voluntary compliance; otherwise, we become wards of the State (outliers). 

There have been many leaders who have come and gone throughout history, which have fit the profile of potential people in the Bible book of revelation, Nero, Caesar, Hitler, and others, but never before do we have a worldwide stage as we have now. Our current leaders are only repeating the past mistakes and failures of other failed governments and dictator regimes that have gone before us in history.

I am not attempting to scare anyone with this post; it is for preparation that we are made aware of the plan that is set before us. Our God is on His throne, and He loves all of His people regardless of their choices, we are all still His children. Even if a large part of the population choose to deny Jesus, it changes nothing, His love is still available and reaches out to the vilest sinner, or even the kindest and most sincere person, His love and mercy are always the same.

"Jesus Christ never changes! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." 
Hebrews 13:8 (CEV)

I wish the events I have shared with you here were not true, like the ID-2020 program which is being set up worldwide, or the mandatory Coronavirus 19 vaccinations inclusive of the 'quantum dot' tracker. Still, they are a reality and are as real as you reading post this at this moment. 

Jesus does not want us to be afraid, even though things are happening around us at an accelerated pace, we have confidence in the love of Jesus.

"My little flock, don't be afraid. God is your Father, and your Father's great joy is to give you His kingdom." 
Luke 12:32 (VOICE)

You may ask: "what can I do?"  You can pray fervently and effectively, knowing that God is your resource and your strength. 

These events have been planned for many years and in the grand scheme of things, this all fits in as part of the plan of Christ's return.

So, I end this post where I began, "we worry about nothing," and we place our confidence in the Lord to be our strength and to meet our everyday needs and pray with thankfulness because He hears us and responds to us. He truly loves us as His own!  We will not be afraid!

"Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus." 
Philippians 4:6-7 GNT

Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

1 comment:

  1. An extremely insightful world/kingdom view. Bravo! So proud of you for standing firm on God’s truth.No fear.
