Thursday, June 20, 2019

"They that wait on the Lord.." - Isaiah 40:28-31

Isaiah 40:28-31 (NCV)
If you put the word WAIT in place of TRUST when it comes to putting our confidence in the LORD it can take an entirely new meaning.  When we WAIT on the LORD we are resting in Him and placing our desire upon His outcome.  Not sweating the little things or even the big things.

This passage also says that when we do this we will be renewed with strength, even though the youth around us will stumble and fall, we will mount up with vigor and vitality (healing and health).  The passage goes on even further in the descriptions that we will have the strength to fly like an eagle above our circumstances and not lose strength or become tired because we have put our complete confidence in the LORD and have allowed Him to go before us and prepare our way.

I love this passage as it gives a vivid description of how the LORD interacts with those who WAIT (rest) in Him. 
When we pray we are given the wisdom of the LORD to speak into our sphere of influence, for our jobs, our family, and for others.  Through this type of prayer we can also speak that same wisdom to our government officials for a good outcome, as well as speak wisdom to our enemy and declare to him the truth of his defeat by Jesus at the cross, he does need to be reminded.

These Verses in Isaiah 40 are like an energy bar for the soul, there is so much here which is hidden in the depths of this passage that can empower and lift one into new heights of relationship with the LORD.

May you find these verses as encouragement today and may you soar like an eagle with renewed strength.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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