Friday, September 13, 2019

" in harmony with one another..." 1 Peter 3:8-9

There are (8) virtues mentioned here in this passage that should characterize our fellowship as believers who follow Christ:
  1. a sublime harmony,
  2. demonstration of affectionate (brotherly) love,
  3. sympathy,
  4. kindness,
  5. humility,
  6. fervent love,
  7. never retaliating evil for evil or insult for insult, and
  8. speaking blessings over those who mistreat us.

My point in bringing this out is to demonstrate that this was written by Peter with intent and not just haphazardly.  Peter was attempting to address what true fellowship should look like properly demonstrated among fellow believers.  But this isn’t just reserved for other Christians alone, this is how we interact with all people, especially those who are not people of faith that they may see Jesus in us.

This is our testimony of the life of Christ and how He lives and operates within us and in how we love one another.  It is this demonstration of love that Jesus is revealed to the believer and non-believer alike.
  • Living in harmony means living in accord or unity with others, even when we do not agree with others we can still be in harmony with them because of the love of Christ which has transformed us.  This embodies true tolerance, the ability to agree to disagree and yet still maintain the love of Christ and remain in harmony with one another, this is brotherly love put into action.
  • Brotherly love which is known in the Greek as Phileo love is a fondness or friendship, being companionable and relational with another person. 
  • Another way is to be sympathetic and congenial to others and hear their hearts, be able to cry with those who cry, and share the pain of others so that they do not have to bear their pain alone.  
  • True kindness is recognizing that we care about the goodwill of others, by showing friendliness and genuine affection with other-centeredness and gentleness to others.
  • Humility is another attribute mentioned in the verse above, humility is demonstrating humbleness, modesty, and meekness.  Humility is also a lack of pride and modesty which defers to the Lord who made us in His image.
  • Fervent love, which can also be defined as agape love which is the love of Christ in us for others.  It is the love from which He first loved us even while we were still sinners, it is the highest form of love which is benevolent and charitable also considered divine love.
  • Returning good for evil done against a person.  Another way to express this is to demonstrate mercy and forgiveness, remission and pardon for anything done against another.
  • Speaking blessings over others who mistreat us, another way to describe this is to speak grace and favor over others no matter if they reciprocate in kind.
These eight points show the characteristics or attributes of a Godly man or woman who has Christ residing within them and how they show the love of Christ to others according to Peter.  This is not meant to bring shame or guilt upon anyone, but rather show the identifying marks of Christ upon an individual.

This is actually essential knowledge in the last days as many will proclaim Christ without the marks of love on their lives and deceive many with a false gospel of works rather than the love of Jesus Christ being manifested through them.  This was meant as a tool to help us identify the counterfeit.

As we approach the subject of the last days we are left with many scriptures which point us to Jesus and help us to live lives full of the Holy Spirit.  We must be wise in how we approach others by not allowing our minds to draw from our own knowledge alone to speak to the needs of others but rather by listening for the Spirit to speak to us first and then responding out of the Spirit's words for others.

Peter goes on to say:

For the Scriptures tell us:
Whoever wants to embrace true life and find beauty in each day must stop speaking evil, hurtful words and never deceive in what they say.  Always turn from what is wrong and cultivate what is good; eagerly pursue peace in every relationship, making it your prize.

For the eyes of the Lord Yahweh rest upon the godly, and his heart responds to their prayers. But he turns his back on those who practice evil. 1 Peter 3:10-12 (TPT)

Peter is telling us to be authentic in all that we do in Christ, and to be present in our representation of the Gospel.  Sometimes that can be a challenge depending on our situation, but we have a defense, we can ask the Lord to be our strength and our protection as we wisely speak the word of Christ to others.  He is our great defender and protector.

Be Blessed:
Stephen Barnett
Creativity is our call, restoration is our purpose!
(Genesis 1:26-28) & (Matthew 28:19-20)

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