Monday, September 2, 2019

"O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed..." Jeremiah 17:14 (NLT)

Jeremiah received the understanding that healing and salvation are from the Lord, he wasn’t just speaking about any type of healing like natural bodily healing for the things which plague us like sickness and aging which are obvious, he was also speaking of the healing that comes from the Lord for the restoration of the spirit and the soul, healing that comes from relational interaction with the Lord.

It is this type of healing which is the most challenging because this type of healing is unseen and at times is subjective, but is needed all the same and can be the most important for our growth.  Experts have labeled this type of healing “inner healing”.

We are a people that have a need for a healer, which is difficult for a prideful heart.  Many people have been raised with an understanding that we should be self-sufficient and not have to rely upon others in our weakness and our needs, but God designed the Church so that we could be a support for one another, and as a Church, we could be a corporate voice of the Lord to speak the heart of Jesus to each other out of His love for us. 

When we consider how Jesus interacts with us, He demonstrates His power and His glory to us by encountering us in intimate ways, by entering into our mind space and showing us His love and affection in ways that heal and affirm.  He takes us into the secret places in our minds which have been damaged and hurt by others by giving us the knowledge that He will gently and lovingly enter into those areas of pain and become our strength and our confidence, He becomes our Mighty Man.  He shows us that He can heal us by His mere presence in those painful memories, He can also utilize those hurts to become our greatest strengths.  Our hurts are never wasted in Christ.

The purpose of Jesus entering into our mind space and healing us is so that our past memories will not control or dictate our future.  When He enters in He begins this process of revealing His love, and demonstrates that love can overcome all obstacles which have been our greatest hinderance for maturing in the natural as well as in our spiritual life.

This life with everything we encounter cannot tell us who we are anymore than a fortune teller can predict our future, (which they cannot) our past does not define us, only Jesus can define us.  And His definition of us has a glorious present and a brilliant future.

He reminds us that we were with Him in heaven before we were ever born and we were overjoyed with the opportunity to live out a life script which He personally gave us in the beginning when the earth was first formed.  We had intimate fellowship with Him and others who also were given life scripts to walk out as we shared the joy knowing that we would serve our Master in the complete confidence that He would see us through all of it.  We were always His children even if we have no memory of it.  Jesus reconnects our spirit with His in ways to remind us of who we are and where we came from when we were with Him before time began. 

We have a history with Jesus which transcends time and this natural world, when we connect with Jesus He takes us back to those memories of who we were before the enemy of our soul brought darkness and confusion into our path to keep us from our eternal destiny with Him.  Jesus reminds us that we were designed to not let anything stand in our way and to walk with Him to fulfill our eternal destiny in Christ. 
This is the role of an overcomer, which we are called to become.

 “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine. Luke 22:42 (NLT)  (emphasis mine)

It is not that suffering won’t come our way, suffering has a purpose which is to solidify our resolve to trust Jesus to help us to finish out our life script.  Paul also saw this very clearly:

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing."  2 Timothy 4:7-8 (NLT)

Paul knew that the good fight of faith was not in a vacuum of emptiness with no purpose, but something greater than life itself which was Christ residing in him as the aim.  Jesus gave Paul His faith to suffer greatly for the gospel, and through Paul’s suffering, he developed an unwavering and uncompromised trust in Jesus to see His work through until the very end and be with Jesus in glory.  It was a singleness of focus with no fear because fear brings with it doubt and torment.

Jeremiah continues: “if you save me, I will be truly saved.” Salvation comes from walking out the life script that we were given and having Jesus embody all that we do to see it to the end.  It was never about us trying to make our calling happen out of our own efforts, it was always about Christ in us who is our hope of glory.  Jesus is our salvation, He didn’t die to send it, He died to become it.

So we do have a calling, each and every one of us which is to let Christ fill us and operate through us.

“It is through him that we live and function and have our identity; just as your own poets have said,‘Our lineage comes from him.’” Acts 17:28 (TPT)

Jeremiah recognizes that “My praises are for you alone!”  There is praise that comes from a yielded heart that is for Jesus alone, for He alone can accomplish all that He desires to do through us.  Even if it seems like our work is insignificant, Jesus is significant and all we do is for His glory and for His purposes.  

This is why I believe that creativity is our call and restoration is our purpose!  Not just for us, but for others too!
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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