Tuesday, October 1, 2019

"So robe yourself with virtues of God.." Colossians 3:12 (TCT)

We have a place at the center of God’s love, a place picked out for us since the world was formed.  

The passage says we were “always” loved which tells us that there was never a time when we were not loved by God.  God has “always” had us in His mind before we ever knew Him and could draw attention to Him, for His love transcends time.  

How much does He love us?  It says we are “dearly” loved, someone “dearly” loved is someone who holds a special place of deep affection, and who loves us at “great cost” to themselves.  

The Father offered His Son as the ultimate sacrifice for us that we might be brought back into right relationship with Him without the stain and effects of sin upon our lives which would block us from that great love.  Sin wasn’t part of the original plan of God’s love for us, but became an issue when Satan enticed man to rebel with him against God in the eternal garden called Eden.

“So robe yourself with virtues of God” is the next line, what are God’s virtues?  The book of Galations chapter 5 describes what God’s virtues are in detail:

“But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit.  Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.”  Galatians 5:22-23 (TPT)

These qualities or characteristics describe the virtues of God which are demonstrated in us through our relationship with the Father as we are daily changed and empowered by that same love. 

Paul tells us to robe ourselves in these virtues, to literally put them on as you put on clothing so that the virtue we clothe ourselves with will cover us and protect us from the onslaught of the world and its devices which are specifically formed against us to tear us down and defeat us. 

We were chosen by God to be a people who are set apart from the common everyday hum-drum of life, apart from others who have no hope to be a shining example of what it means to be child of God, and to be a people who hear and respond to Him in ways that reflect His love to others.

Be merciful as you endeavor to understand others” taking the time to understand others and become a listener requires a lot of practice, refraining from speaking or giving advice which is probably one of the most difficult things we can do, we must always remember that we cannot fix people, (even though we are tempted to try) but we can take time to understand them, cry with them, and pray for them that God would intervene and meet their needs.  Only God can fix people, and we can always ask Him through prayer to do just that.

“be compassionate, showing kindness toward all” is really a tall order!  When we are clothed in the virtues of God it can become second nature to us as long as we have our mind dialed into the Father’s affection for us.  Even when we are met with resistance from others we can draw upon the strength we have gained through our relationship with the Father being intimately connected to Him.
Being compassionate, and showing kindness toward all seems like an impossibility out of our own effort when we are not clothed with God’s virtue, we can only give what we have out of our own resources which depletes quickly.  When we have God’s virtue at our disposal we have an unlimited supply to sustain us and give to others that they may also know of God’s unlimited supply.

“Be gentle and humble” this comes from recognizing that this resource does not originate from us, it originates from God and our relationship with Him.  As God is gentle with us, so we extend that same gentleness from Him that we have been given.  
Our meekness is the result of everything that we do and all that we are comes from a heart of gladness and thankfulness that everything that we are comes from Him.

And lastly be “unoffendable in your patience with others”, it is so easy to pick up offenses when others say hurtful things to us which challenge us or offend us.  It is at those times we must recognize that if we are clothed with Christ and His virtue it is really not us they are offending, it is Him.  Sure we can have a thick skin, but it is alright to realize that Jesus was always misunderstood, even as He is today.
We can be patient with others who are working through this same process of understanding God’s love for them and what that means in their lives, just as we have gone through it.

Our goal is to be a mirror for others to see the love of God in us, not for us to be easily offended when difficulty comes our way.  Offenses will come, it is wisdom to recognize that offenses are designed to make us stronger that we do not take these offenses personally but that we may place our full confidence in God’s love and offer the offenses to God who is big enough to take the offense that we can be free from reacting, and be patient to respond out of the virtue that we are clothed with.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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