Friday, December 27, 2019

"..I bow in wonder and love before you" - Psalm 103:1-5 (TPT)

As we consider all that God has done in human history by creating this world and everything in it with all the wonders we experience every day, we can’t help but be drawn into thankful admiration of what He is capable. 

The nature of God is couched in love concerning everything He has created; it is the essence of His character. God has received a bad rap through many who have accused Him by saying God is vengeful or angry, which is not a valid argument, can a leopard change its spots? No more than God can or would turn His character into something He is not.

King David experienced God’s loving nature first hand and wrote about it so we could know what God is like. David wasn’t just writing the psalms because he had nothing else to do, he was writing because he was inspired to declare the true nature of God amidst numerous generations of prophets and leaders who only recorded glimpses of God. 
And then they filled in the rest with opinion and conjecture based on tradition rather than a personal relationship and intimacy with Him.

David recognized that God wanted to be everything to us, which is why he penned the words: “With my whole heart, with my whole life, and with my innermost being, I bow in wonder and love before you..” 

David recognized that there were three ways in which we understand God in our lives.
  1. In our feelings and emotions (our soul)
  2. In our daily interaction with life itself (our body)
  3. In our thought life, our imaginations (our spirit)

God not only deserves our affection and the love of our heart, which is our feelings and emotions for God, but that God deserves appreciation and acknowledgment in how we lived our day to day lives. 
So living for God was about how to conduct ourselves by our knowledge of Him being integrated into every aspect of what we do. 

And lastly, David saw a need for us to shape the mind (our thought life) into hearing and knowing God with our spirits. (our innermost beings)

“I bow in wonder and love before you, the holy God! Yahweh, you are my soul’s celebration.”
David celebrated and expressed his feelings and emotions to the Lord freely because he recognized that our God was a feeling God who loved His creation and desired us to respond to Him. He celebrated God in song, with music, and in the dance. 
In spite of David’s failings, God still honored him because his heart always sought after the Lord. In this way, it was said of David that “he was after God’s own heart.” David still was humble enough to recognize his failings before the Lord, and yet he never let that stop him from celebrating God’s love and mercy.

“How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness you’ve done for me? You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve done.” Humbleness is quiet strength, which recognizes that God is the source of forgiveness amidst all of our epic fails in life. God never holds our failures against us, and we can celebrate in knowing that we are forgiven.

“You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease.” We tend to look for some kind of formula for healing so that we can live lives that are free of disease, but healing doesn't come that way, it comes from relational interaction with the Lord, not from a formula. 

David lived a life interacting with the Lord on an intimate level, integrated with his mind, will, and emotions by trusting the Lord fully in every aspect of His life.

“You’ve rescued me from hell and saved my life.” The word for “hell” here is “Sheol” or the grave. David was saved from his enemies so many times from his life being killed, and he recognized it was the Lord’s protection upon him that preserved his life.

“You’ve crowned me with love and mercy.”  Again the nature of God, David recognized that not only was God showing him love and mercy, but now it was becoming part of his life of who he was. David became the most benevolent king in Israel’s history.

“You satisfy my every desire with good things.” David’s desire was becoming the Lord’s desire, for as the Lord was encountering David, his heart was changing to know the Lord’s desire being demonstrated it through him.

“You’ve supercharged my life so that I soar again like a flying eagle in the sky!” There is so much power that comes from God’s unfailing love, which “supercharges” our lives and puts a desire within us to love as God loves and to respond as God responds that we are transformed into the likeness of God Himself. The net result is we soar in the heavenlies with wings like eagles, which is where David sees himself.

We, too, can learn from David’s heart of love for the Lord and be drawn into the deeper places of intimacy with the Lord so that we can know Him and His desire for us on many new levels.  Love, healing, restoration, mercy, God's love is like an endless ocean that never runs dry.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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