Thursday, December 12, 2019

"Salvation belongs to our God.." - Revelation 7:9-10 (TPT)

There are a massive amount of people here who are the overcoming ones which are celebrating their victory in Christ in this passage above; these are the great cloud of witnesses that have gone on before us that are encouraging us never to give up the race we are in until we reach the end. 

Even though we are experiencing difficult times within our nation, it will get much worse before it gets better, it is nothing in comparison to the glory which is to be revealed in Christ Jesus in us and through us. 

We only ask that Jesus reveal Himself to us with more profound revelation with the power to overcome life's difficulties, for the cross of Christ has beaten every hindrance, even death itself.

“So death, tell me, where is your victory? Tell me death, where is your sting? It is sin that gives death its sting and the law that gives sin its power. But we thank God for giving us the victory as conquerors through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One.” 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 (TPT)

The above scripture passage is a fantastic summary of what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us! Although Satan seemed to be victorious, the cross of Christ defeated him, defeated death, and defeated sin, turning us into victorious conquerors who have hope beyond the grave. It is all about the grace of God, where we stand and overcome every obstacle.

It says there are people gathered from every tribe, people group, and nation who will have a similar story to tell that they have already overcome will declare along with us.  They are clothed in “glistening white robes”, why robes?  In this case, robes are symbolic of something greater than just the garment itself:

“I will sing and greatly rejoice in Yahweh! My whole being vibrates with shouts of joy in my God! For he has dressed me with salvation and wrapped me in the robe of his righteousness! I appear like a bridegroom on his wedding day, decked out with a beautiful sash, or like a radiant bride adorned with sparkling jewels.” Isaiah 15:55-57 (TPT)             

Robes represent His righteousness, and they are radiant “glistening white robes,” which speaks of the purity and truth which has been imparted to us, we do not have this righteousness within ourselves, it is an outer garment that is put on and given to us by Jesus Himself.

Something else to note here, the people are gathered from “every people group and language,” it was at the tower Babel that all people groups were dispersed and languages were confounded because of the evil of the rulers and the people of that time. (see Genesis 11:1-9)  The Lord is restoring His people once again and reversing the curse of the dispersion with unity and inclusion. 

It says in Isaiah 15:55-57 (TPT) they are singing about what is about to happen which is a wedding feast and they are beautifully adorned for the ceremony. There is one language that is being spoken it is the language of love.

There is overwhelming beauty revealed here; the bridegroom is dressed with salvation which represents the radiance of Christ Himself and the bride is adorned with “sparkling jewels.”  Glimmer is a big thing in the spirit realm.

They are “standing before the throne and before the Lamb with palm branches in their hands.” This gathering of people are standing before the throne; it doesn’t say they were kneeling or bowing because it is Christ who inhabits His people, and they are about to celebrate by waving palm branches to honor Him and declare His victory.

The palm branch is a symbol of victory, triumph, peace, and eternal life. The palm has been adopted into Christian iconography to represent the victory of the spirit over the flesh. This whole multitude is waving palm branches before the throne.

And "they shouted out with a passionate voice”  this isn’t a prayer, this is a proclamation, a statement of truth, fact, and purpose. The gathering had one voice and had only one thing to shout out loud, “Salvation belongs to our God seated on the throne and to the Lamb!”  

Can you imagine the thunderous roar of the multitude, as this is shouted out in unison! 

Those gathered before the throne were there by invitation, and they recognized the Lamb as their bridegroom, they were proclaiming that God has restored His people to Himself through the single solitary act of sacrifice by Jesus. 

They were celebrating that they were about to become joined eternally into marriage to Him, their bridegroom King. 

Oh the wonder of it all!  
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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