Thursday, January 30, 2020

"..I plead with you to walk holy.." Ephesians 4:1-2 (TPT)

In the spiritual realm, there is a hierarchical structure that exists, and there are rankings and positions which are designated for God’s sons and daughters. These rankings are not positions based on merit, which some have suggested but are based solely on these sons and daughters recognizing who they are in Christ and standing in that role. 

These are high ranking positions, for they are all about bringing the spiritual Kingdom to earth and establishing dominion over the earth and its resources. 

Each believer (son or daughter of the King) has a part to play in the divine drama unfolding before us. 

Paul’s admonition to us is to walk holy, keep in mind that holiness is not piousness, holiness is uniqueness and specialness. God is calling us to this type of holiness, which is uniqueness and specialness separate from the world. God says, “Be holy as I am holy.” 

Paul is saying that with this holiness, operate your daily life from a position of awareness that others are watching you, and they need to see what the Father is doing in your life that they may be drawn to you. 

He also speaks of high ranking position, that rank is as a family member, we are of the household of God, which means we have a loving Father who also sees us. 

The Father has appointed us as guardians and caretakers of His creation; our role is an important one which is necessary to bring closure to this present era of law, death and destruction, and usher in the new era of grace, life, and restoration. 

The divine call we have all been given is to be ambassadors of this new Kingdom, a kingdom that is eagerly desiring to be revealed. 

“For all of creation is waiting, yearning for the time when the children of God will be revealed.” Romans 8:19 (VOICE)

So Paul tells us to have “tender humility and quiet patience” with people we encounter, that is the draw for others as well as the demonstration of how a child of God behaves. 

We are not to sweat and to labor to stand in this position of authority, the victory over sin, and the devil has already been accomplished through Christ. We are to stand in that victory and to declare what this Kingdom looks like and to speak it into existence.

 “Manifest your kingdom realm, and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth, just as it is fulfilled in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 (TPT)

Always “demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another,” these are the earmarks of a child of God.

Some have said that in the Kingdom, we are warriors who fight against the forces of darkness, Paul does not mention that here, In fact, the battle plan he lays out is Godly character or virtue. We stand in the righteousness of Christ and demonstrate love toward one another. 

It is always a controversial position because it seems passive, but in actuality, it is an offensive posture. We are not defending the Kingdom for the battle has already been won, besides Jesus is God and doesn’t need us to defend Him. 

Our offensive stance is that of love, declaring the victory and standing in absolute confidence in what we already have in Christ. We respond to what happens to us and put into motion our position of life to make things happen to create opportunities for love and to intervene in every situation.

Paul makes one last mention of loving “especially those who why try your patience,” Paul had many detractors. Still, he never let those people become his enemies; he took every opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ to those who opposed him. 

He also wrote this letter from prison, which being falsely accused, and being a Roman citizen was wrongly imprisoned, but Paul did not use that defense to free him from prison this time. 

Paul took every opportunity to share Christ within the prison walls and with the prison curator and to dictate letters which were transcribed by Luke. 

Paul’s patience was tried to the limit every day he served the Lord Jesus, but he did not complain or go against what he believed was our greatest weapon of all, which is the love of Christ.

May we domonstrate Christ's love in all things during  our day. 
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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