Friday, February 28, 2020

"The Spirit gives us power.." - 2 Timothy 1:6-8a (CEV)

Paul is encouraging Timothy to stand firm in the knowledge of Christ Jesus and not be swayed amid so many detractors. 

Timothy was leading a home church in Ephesus, and there were already those who were teaching false doctrine, Paul was instructing Timothy to steer clear of these who have veered off the path, and for him to keep teaching his flock to live godly lives.

Indeed, being a Christian is not for cowards! 
The actual call of Jesus requires us to come and die.

“Jesus then told the crowd and the disciples to come closer, and he said: 
If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross and follow me. If you want to save your life, you will destroy it. But if you give up your life for me and for the good news, you will save it.” 
Mark 8:34-35 (CEV)

Paul was living by example by writing from prison for making a stand for his faith in Jesus, he makes his point even more solid:

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” 
Acts 20:24 ESV)

Paul is attempting to communicate the value He has placed on the gospel and the importance of how far he is willing to go to ensure that the gospel is preached with fidelity and clarity above anything else. 

Paul has already paid a high price for his commitment to the gospel as he sits in prison, but he is not counting that as being so important because he sees a higher purpose which was revealed to him, and that is knowing Christ Jesus. 

If there is one thing you can say about Paul, he was not a coward, he boldly spoke of the love of Christ at considerable risk to his safety.

“Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ and to know that I belong to him. I could not make myself acceptable to God by obeying the Law of Moses. God accepted me simply because of my faith in Christ. All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him to life. I want to suffer and die as he did, so that somehow I also may be raised to life.” 
Philippians 3:8-11 (CEV)

Paul was instructing Timothy that as he stands firm in his convictions of being a leader of God’s people that the Holy Spirit would give him the power to remain strong. The Holy Spirit would also reveal to Timothy the love of Christ to such a degree that he would love the Lord and His people with the same overwhelming love that Paul had demonstrated, and there would be nothing more excellent in his life that knowing Him. 

It is at this juncture where Paul shows Timothy that when things go sideways, and difficulties abound, we can rest in the assurance of Christ’s love for us and maintain our self-control, for he has everything in His hands and nothing escapes the Lord’s view.

“What God has said isn’t only alive and active! It is sharper than any double-edged sword. His word can cut through our spirits and souls and through our joints and marrow, until it discovers the desires and thoughts of our hearts. Nothing is hidden from God! He sees through everything, and we will have to tell him the truth.” 
Hebrews 4:12-13 (CEV)

This above passage in Hebrews seems like a bad thing, but it is actually a good thing because Jesus is the word of God in the flesh, and He purifies us and reveals our hearts. 

Deep within every human heart, there is hidden inside is a desire to know our creator, it is that truth buried deep with our hearts that we love the Lord and want to be connected with Him.  

Paul is making a statement that there is no reason to be ashamed to speak for our Lord, even though he is talking with Timothy, his words reach through time to speak with us. 

No matter where we are in life, if we have jobs, family, or anything that gives us access to others, we have the opportunity to speak the good news to others and be a testimony of love. 

What Paul realized even though the gospel is the good news, it’s the love of Jesus that compels us. We share that love with others, which is our inroad for we speak about the hope that resides within us, which is Jesus Himself, and the gospel message follows.

This books of first & second Timothy are communique's between two home church leaders which give us an insight into what God was doing in their lives.

One thing we need to do is eject from our minds is the mental image of large cathedrals with huge gatherings, the home churches that Paul and Timothy planted were relational family gatherings which were meeting in homes, that is what made these meetings so unique and intimate.

Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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