Wednesday, April 1, 2020

"He will sing and be joyful about you" - Zephaniah 3:17 (NCV)

Did you know that the Lord sings? It may be shocking with all of the noise we have going on in our lives that He not only sings but did you also know He dances and rejoices over us too? 

I know that this may sound stunning to some, but as much as we sing and rejoice over Him, He sings and rejoices over us all the more.

The passage today starts with an acknowledgment that Lord is our God; we often forget that the Lord is our God and that He is with us. He resides within us and is our strength, our mighty One, who will save us from anything that is formed against us.

"No weapon fashioned against you will succeed, and you may condemn every tongue that disputes with you. This is the heritage of the Lord's servants, whose righteousness comes from me, says the Lord." 
Isaiah 54:17 (CEB)

Another passage that reinforces this fact is in the Psalms; the Lord is our defender and our source of strength when we are weak.

"I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies." 
Psalm 18 (KJV)

Today's passage also says that the Lord will rejoice over us.

He gets excited and joyful to interact with us. It means that as we rest in God's love, we find a place of peace from our day to day worries and concerns. 

Resting in Him is placing our complete trust and confidence in the God of our salvation to become our place comfort and solace.

"That's why, as long as that promise of entering God's rest remains open to us, we should be careful that none of us seem to fall short ourselves. Those people in the wilderness heard God's good news, just as we have heard it, but the message they heard didn't do them any good since it wasn't combined with faith." 
Hebrews 4:1-2 (VOICE)

Entering into God's rest requires faith that God will fulfill everything that He said He would do. 

That is where God gets joyful when we place our complete confidence in Him, and He begins to shout joyful songs over us.

The Hebrew word used here to describe how our Father God sings is 'rinnah'. It means to express a ringing cry, a loud shout, a proclamation of extreme joy, and an expression of gladness. 

I get a mental picture of the Father holding us and spinning us around and shouting out joyful songs expressing His joy and delight over us.

Our heavenly Father is not ashamed of the love He has for us, and He wants the whole universe to know the depths of His love.

"Consider the kind of extravagant love the Father has lavished on us—He calls us children of God! It's true; we are His beloved children. And in the same way the world didn't recognize Him, the world does not recognize us either." 
1 John 3:1 (VOICE)

The next time you worship the Father in song, remember that as you sing of your love for Him, He, in turn, sings His song of love over you and rejoices over you!

Thank you Lord!  You are singing over me!

Be Blessed:
Stephen Barnett

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