Monday, May 11, 2020

" ready to give an answer.." - Colossians 4:5-6 (CEV)

I have found that it is not always the message alone that draws people to us; the majority of the time, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that is flowing through us that attracts others. 

For instance, people are interested to know what it is about me that makes me so joyful amid difficult times? The staff I work with call me “Happy Steve,” not because I am overly happy, but because the joy of the Lord is evident and shining through me. It is incredible to know that God can make His presence known through me even without a whole lot of effort on my part, as long as Jesus abides in my life.

“Above all else, you must live in a way that brings honor to the good news about Christ. Then, whether I visit you or not, I will hear that all of you think alike. I will know that you are working together and that you are struggling side by side to get others to believe the good news.” 
Philippians 1:27 (CEV)

Reaching out to non-believers is essential to bring the prodigals home, a little clarification here, every person on this planet who is a non-believer is a prodigal for we are all (every one of us) God’s children. Those who deny Him flat out and even those who are nominal (or cultural) Christians in name only, need to be brought back into the family. 

God has a place prepared for His family to gather, which is the place of worship and acceptance in His presence. God desires to meet with us regularly, but so many have not shown up either because of fear that somehow the Father has rejected them or because they have done regrettable things, or for some other reason. 

God is preparing to stir His prodigals to come back to the family of God; for some, it will seem like the first time to acquaint themselves with their Heavenly Father, even though the Father has been reaching out their entire lifetime. While others will find a place of forgiveness and peace in the presence of the Father that will be there to welcome them home.

During this time of outpouring, many of the deceitful things which have separated the body of Christ for many years will be exposed and laid bare. The architect of that deceit and his tactics will also be exposed, so that forgiveness and unity may be the result among the children of God.
“How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago, he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.” 
Ephesians 1:3-6 (MSG)

The purpose of this outpouring is about unifying the Ecclesia, not about forming a new “Church” or a particular “Church” movement, or denomination, nor is this about numbers coming into the Church.  

It is about God’s family coming together as one body, empowering the sons and daughters of God to become the powerhouse of love they were always meant to be, and them taking their place beside their Heavenly Father and learn of His unconditional love for every man, woman, and child. 

The COVID 19 virus was not sent by God, which is not in His nature to do so, but God is using this present crisis to stir His people, and to shake up those who have been asleep for many years to get their attention. There have been many visions and prophesies posted online which speak to this directly. Here is one.

The intercessors who have prayed for many generations for what is about to come have stood firm even though they did not see any evidence of these prayers being answered during their lifetime. These many prayers offered over so many years and decades have finally reached a tipping point. This tipping point has created a moment in time where the plans and desires of everyone who has set themselves against the God of heaven must be met with a heavenly response in which everything will be exposed and laid bare. 

We reap the benefits of the prayers of those intercessors which have gone before us, we must stand firm as they did and watch for what the Lord is about to do.  

It is now up to the Lord’s son’s and daughter’s who have come to know and live in the Father's love for some time now to be a shade tree of protection for those who are destined for the kingdom, that we may offer the covering and protection of our God with His mercies which will be extended to everyone who calls upon His name.

Make no mistake about it, these are unprecedented times that the angels and the councils of heaven were planning for and eagerly anticipating, we are now experiencing. 

We must make the most of the time we have been given and allow ourselves to be shaped and molded by the Holy Spirit so that our minds reflect the mind of Christ and hear Him clearly and respond decisively. 

The world will not return to ‘business as usual,’ when the social distancing orders have been lifted, we have moved into a new age, a new reality (paradigm) in which we must recognize that our opportunities for sharing Christ must be more direct as we are given opportunity to share our faith with others.

“…You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”  
Genesis 50:20 (NIV)

At this moment in time, the story of Joseph in Egypt mirrors a lot of what is happening in the world; Joseph saw visions which even he could not explain, yet, his brothers (which represent the institutional Church) were jealous of him because he seemed to have special favor with his Father, He represented a type and a shadow of Jesus Christ the true Messiah. 

In our day, the instutional Church has continually sought to silence those who have a special connection to their Heavenly Father and have labeled them either extreme or crazy. The reason this characterization is done is that these (extreme Jesus followers) tend to upset the ‘status quo’ and make it difficult to maintain the institutional church hierarchy ‘business model’ as many churches have adopted this functional model.

The Joseph ‘company’ believers of today is a body of end-time believers that are wholly given to the Lord. They commune with God daily and are led by the Spirit in every detail of their lives. At this moment, they are coming out of great trials to enter a place of revelation, wisdom, and fruitfulness. God is working in them, giving them His truth and knowledge, and very soon, He is going to call upon them as He did Joseph of the bible to save many.
The etymology of the name Joseph means “he will add,” this Joseph company will add to the number of people who will be saved during these end-time crises that arise.                                                                                              
Joseph was the reluctant savior of the known world of his day, he was willing to be used by God to not only save His people and others in the surrounding regions of Egypt, but he specifically saved the people who enslaved Him. A fruitful demonstration of mercy!

God used Joseph to demonstrate wisdom and strategic planning before the drought and famine that was coming so that a generation of people could be saved. God is raising up many Josephs’ in the world today that hear directly from the heart of the Father to speak similar wisdom and strategies straight from the Father’s heart so that many can be saved in this hour. 

The purpose is to protect all of God’s sons and daughters from the ravages that are coming to a one-world system of government which is fraught with evil against God's purposes and is hellbent on destruction, and welcoming God’s children to a homecoming celebration feast that has been planned and prepared for them since the creation of the world.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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