Sunday, March 10, 2024

“…Our Inheritance in the Saints”

Ephesians 1:18

Paul's statement above in the Bible may seem out of place, but it is actually significant. It suggests that we need a particular perspective to fully understand it. This statement above is found in a long sentence spanning from verse 15 to 21 in Ephesians 1. There are many other things mentioned in these verses that I will explore later.

Throughout history, society and the church have often displayed bigotry and fear towards people who are different from them. This includes individuals who come from different countries, speak different languages, and practice different customs. However, we have the greatest opportunity in this generation to finally overcome these challenges and become united in Christ if we all work together to share in this common heritage of Christ.

To begin with, let's consider Jesus' statement in Matthew 18:20 ESV “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” When we share with others what Christ has given us, we engage in a spiritual transaction that invites the Holy Spirit to engage with the other person. This is how we give away our portion of Christ for the benefit of others so that they may be built up. When we do this with other believers, there is a mutual exchange that allows us to experience the presence of God in our midst. We become aware that we need the portion of Christ that resides in our brothers and sisters just as much as they need the portion of Christ that resides within us.

I see it like a mosaic, that only comes clear as we open ourselves to the possibility that Jesus exists within our brothers and sisters, and He comes into full view when we give away what we have received.  Please keep in mind that I am speaking of spiritual blessings here.  As it says in Luke 6:38 ESV “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Firstly, Paul described this interaction as us being different members of the body - one a hand, another a foot, another an eye or an ear - each one essential for building the body of Christ. As believers, we should show respect and hold the dignity of others in the highest regard. This is because Jesus sees each person this way and we should also see them in the same light. Secondly, we are connected to Jesus and the body of Christ. Our inheritance in the Saints refers to our shared spiritual blessings with each other as believers. 

Paul speaks in Romans 1:9-12 GWT “I serve God by spreading the Good News about his Son. God is my witness that I always mention you every time I pray. I ask that somehow God will now at last make it possible for me to visit you.  I long to see you to share a spiritual blessing with you so that you will be strengthened. What I mean is that we may be encouraged by each other’s faith”. When we come together and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our interactions, Jesus joins us and takes pleasure in our fellowship with one another. Through this, we can experience the tangible presence of God.

Paul valued other people more than himself because he knew that interacting with other believers in Christ would bring spiritual blessings. He believed that Jesus would manifest in those encounters and that this was part of the inheritance in the saints.

When we invite the Lord to be with us during our interactions with others, He shows up. We can look for Him to manifest in the believers around us. Ultimately, the question is, what do we inherit in the Saints? We inherit Christ. He is our greatest treasure, joy and prize. As Paul states, Christ is our All in All, our everything. He is manifesting Himself in our brothers and sisters, Christ in us all is the hope of glory. Knowing that our inheritance is in the Saints gives this statement a much richer meaning. 

Colossians 1:25-27 VOICE “I am a servant appointed by God to preach the Word of God until it is known to you and all over—what I am talking about is nothing less than the mystery of the ages! What was hidden for ages, generations and generations, is now being revealed to His holy ones.  He decided to make known to them His blessing to the nations; the glorious riches of this mystery is the indwelling of the Anointed in you! The very hope of glory.”

There's nothing quite like gathering with fellow believers and sharing our faith in Christ. Our meetings are designed to provide an opportunity for each person to share their unique insights. As we build upon each other's understanding and discernment of Christ in our lives, we grow in our faith and understanding of the Word of God. We believe that the Holy Spirit shows up when we come together to learn and grow in our collective spiritual journeys. Our focus is not on fixing each other's problems or giving advice or opinions, but on learning from each other. I always leave these meetings feeling inspired and uplifted, sensing that I have had an encounter with the Lord through my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Before closing, I would like to end with this perspective, I want to mention that as believers, we are all called to be sons and daughters of the King. According to scripture, Jesus will return one day, and we believe it to be soon. However, it is at the direction and will of the Father to choose the day of Jesus’ return. When Jesus does return, we will rule and reign with Him as Kings and Priests on the earth over the nations. Until that day comes, we have the deposit of the Holy Spirit placed within our brothers and sisters. This is a foreshadowing of things to come.

Stephen Barnett

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