Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What Has Been Abolished?

“For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace”    Ephesians 2:14-15 ESV

Consider this: Jesus Christ isn't just the bringer of peace, He is the embodiment of God's peace. He makes his home not just upon our mortal bodies but within them. Our bodies have become sacred space, the new Eden, from where God can live on the earth and operate His Kingdom. Jesus Christ has transformed our mortal bodies into His dwelling place so we may experience His divine presence. This realization is life-changing and can bring about an inner peace that nothing else can match for it is Christ Himself.

The dividing wall that separates people based on gender, race, ethnicity, and religion has been shattered through the body of Jesus Christ. In essence, it is the beautiful merging of two into one through Christ, akin to a marriage. In the past as well as in the present, there is intense hostility between Jews and people of other nations, perhaps due to the pride the Jews had in having Yahweh as their God, while other nations didn't. The Jews followed the laws and ordinances to the letter, but that was not what God desired. Instead, God yearned for their hearts, their devotion, and their believing loyalty.

The Muslim nations have a common ancestor with the Jews, which is Abraham; they share many similarities with the Jewish nation regarding their faith. However, it breaks down when it comes to following Muhamad instead of being led by the heart of the Lord, and it has made the Muslim religion very toxic by their need to follow doctrine and dogma based on a man who was obviously not God in the flesh.

Jesus has done an incredible thing for humanity - he has broken down the wall that divided Muslims and Jews from one another, as well as from the rest of the world and the Church. This division was caused by the hostility that arose from following laws, rules, and ordinances. However, Jesus removed the need to follow these commandments because they were never meant to be kept in the flesh but in the spirit through the spiritual man. Jesus became the spiritual man through whom we can enter into the Father’s favor.

When we receive Jesus Christ as our savior, we experience a transformation. He takes control of our lives and we become a new creation united in Christ. As we interact with others who share our faith, we discover that Jesus lives in His followers. Whenever two or more people gather in His name, Jesus is present among them. This means He isn't just joining the group; He was already there and always will be. In fact, He promises that "where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them" (Matthew 18:19-20 ESV). We can hold onto this powerful truth, especially when facing difficult circumstances. When we come together, Christ is made visible in us, and each person carries a portion of Christ to share with others.

The beautiful concept of Christ and the church is all about two becoming one, just like a bride joining her bridegroom. In this case, Jesus is creating one new person by joining Himself with another. We call it a marriage, but in the case of Christ and the church, it is known as redemption. It restores man to the position he once held when God walked with Adam in the garden in the cool of the day. This is proof that God always desired intimacy with mankind, intimacy based on dignity, respect, and love. It's amazing to think that this love connection is available to all of us, and it's available to us all.

At the core of a peaceful life is the unity that comes from the union of the bride and the bridegroom. This peace extends to the individuals who receive Christ and to all of God's sons and daughters, resulting in a universal peace. But how can this be achieved? It is through surrendering ourselves to our wonderful bridegroom and allowing Him to fill us with Himself that Christ becomes our peace. We cannot become better Christians or better people through our efforts. Still, by surrendering and letting go of the control of our lives and allowing Christ to work in and through us, we can experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. 

So let us embrace unity and allow Christ to become our peace.

Stephen Barnett

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