Monday, March 10, 2025

Let Us Continually Offer Up A Sacrifice Of Praise To God

“For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. Through him, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, acknowledging his name. And do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for God is pleased with such sacrifices. Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls and will give an account for their work. Let them do this with joy and not with complaints, for this would be no advantage for you. Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to conduct ourselves rightly in every respect. I especially ask you to pray that I may be restored to you very soon.”
Hebrews 13:14-19 NET

The writer powerfully asserts that we lack a permanent city in our present age, living instead in a world steeped in sin and destruction. This world is consumed by fleeting desires rather than the eternal truths of heaven. Yet, our hearts long for a city that is to come—a city ruled by Jesus, the new Jerusalem, or as it is also known, the new Zion, the very place where Jesus dwells. The expression "daughter of Zion" serves as a vivid personification of Jerusalem, rich with meaning in and prophetic literature found in Isaiah, Psalm 9:15, and Zechariah 9:9. This phrase encapsulates the profound relationship between God and His people, the land, and the Temple.

Keeping in mind that Paul describes us as the temple in which Jesus rules and reigns, essentially, this profound relationship is more about what Jesus does in our lives to form us more fully into His image and eventually meet and draw in the Jewish people. More than anything, God wants everyone to become aware of His love for them and save all of mankind, for He died for everyone. But the reality is not all will receive the gift that Jesus offers, and God will not force anyone to receive Him.

Paul powerfully illustrates in 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, that we are the temple where Jesus rules and reigns. This profound relationship highlights how Jesus works in our hearts and lives, fully transforming us into His image. His mission is not just for us, but also to draw the Jewish people to recognize their Messiah. God’s deepest desire is for everyone to embrace His incredible love and to experience His salvation, for He sacrificed Himself for all of humanity. However, we must acknowledge a crucial truth: not everyone will receive the precious gift that Jesus offers, and God respects our freedom to choose, never forcing anyone to welcome Him into their lives.

When Jesus truly reigns in our hearts and lives, we encounter a profound realization of His sacrifice—one that is utterly complete and all-encompassing, for His sacrifice completed all things, and nothing is left undone. This revelation fills us with awe and gratitude. The only gift we can offer Him is the heartfelt praise and worship that rises from our lips. Through His atonement, we are reconciled to God, leaving us with no choice but to acknowledge His name and bless Him for the incredible sacrifice He made on our behalf.

God is pleased with such sacrifices of praise on our part, it demonstrates our gratitude for Jesus' life and what He accomplished on our behalf.

In like manner, we are to submit to our leaders, for they watch over our souls. Allow them to serve with Joy without complaining, for this is to our benefit. But in the same vein, if leaders choose to deny and attack those who love Jesus and attempt to make us deny the love of God that resides in our hearts by speaking against Jesus, then we must serve God rather than man, and be willing to offer ourselves as Jesus did as conscientious objectors, not as radical freedom fighters.

We are called to honor and submit to our leaders as they are responsible for guiding our well-being. It is essential that we allow them to serve with joy and without complaints, as this creates a positive environment that benefits us all. Yet, we must remain vigilant in our hearts. If our leaders choose to deny or attack those who love Jesus, or if they attempt to pressure us into rejecting the love of God by speaking out against Him and demanding we do the same, we are compelled to a higher duty. In such moments, we must stand firmly with God rather than with man. Just as Jesus exemplified unwavering commitment to His purpose, we, too, should become steadfast advocates for our faith, upholding our convictions with courage and clarity rather than resorting to physical conflict or radicalism.

The writer earnestly appeals for heartfelt prayers for a clear conscience for both him and his ministry team. He is determined to navigate their words and actions thoughtfully, ensuring they remain free from any bondage of the law or the burdens of guilt that could undermine their testimony in Christ. Moreover, he passionately seeks prayers that God will pave the way for his return to this cherished Hebrew fellowship, a community he holds close to his heart and longs to reconnect with deeply.

Prayer is our powerful weapon and a vital means of connecting with God. It is the channel through which Christ bestows blessings upon others. God's intent for our lives is to expand our horizons, not limit them, to bring the reality of His kingdom into the lives of those around us. This transformation occurs not through force or punitive measures but through grace and mercy.

It is essential to recognize that God's judgment on humanity is rooted solely in grace and forgiveness—an extraordinary gift that we do not deserve but can receive freely. We must shift our perspective on punitive judgment to align with God's vision, embracing His boundless compassion rather than the limited viewpoints we have been taught through the law. The law was fulfilled in Christ, and we are no longer bound to it as long as we remain in the love of God in Christ. 

Our new city awaits and calls to us.

Stephen Barnett

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