Monday, May 13, 2019

"Fear the Lord and serve Him..." - Joshua 24:14

Joshua was speaking to God’s people, he was challenging them to serve the Lord and Him only with sincerity and faithfulness.  What were the Gods of their fathers?  It depends upon the context when the question arises.  Regarding ancient Israel before the Exodus, they had forgotten their living God, the gods of Egypt were called into question.  When the Lord had defeated the enemies of Israel after they had crossed the Jordon River Valley and came into Jericho, it became the practices of the indigenous people groups that became the problem for Israel.  

How many times do we have influences that challenge us to put our sincerity and faithfulness into ideologies which are not of God?  Trusting in the creation rather than the creator, what we can see rather than by trusting by faith. 

Today we are offered the same challenge as Joshua had for Israel, “Now fear the Lord, and serve Him with sincerity and faithfulness, put away the gods your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt.  
Serve the Lord”     Joshua 24:14

May we put our full trust and confidence in the faithfulness of God.

Stephen Barnett 

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