Monday, May 20, 2019

"...He raised us up and seated us in heavenly places..." - Ephesians 2:4-10

One of the things about this passage that occurred to me is that we are seated in heavenly places even when we are unaware of it.  Being seated with Christ isn’t about a feeling or an experience, it is about knowing who you are in Christ and appropriating what Jesus has afforded us.  We live and speak from a position of authority. 

Verse 5 says “..He made us alive together…”, that means this Christ-walk is not designed to be a solo effort, we were meant to be in community with other brothers and sisters in Christ.  Verse 10 says “…we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works…” our “good works” are not just “good deeds”, our good works are us speaking out of the life of Christ that resides within us to those who are in need of healing, deliverance, and those in need of hope and salvation.  

This thought ends with the revelation that "… God has prepared this work for us beforehand so that we might walk in them”.  Our good works are the life of Christ being brought forth from our innermost being, and also from a seated position with Christ Jesus.  
We live and speak from the hope that resides within us.  
Ephesians 2:4-10
Be Blessed
Stephen Barnett

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