Wednesday, May 22, 2019

"...use your an opportunity to serve each other..." - Galatians 5:13

We were chosen to be free, that freedom brings an opportunity to serve others.

Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is vastly different than this world, God’s order is literally upside down and backward from the world and its system.  In God’s kingdom, the last will be first, we pray in secret to be rewarded openly, we give to receive, and so on.  

Love is the prevailing feature of God’s Kingdom with our hearts focused on Jesus who is Himself the ultimate love-giver.  That is the foundation of our freedom, everything we do stems from Jesus and His love for us.  

Let us use our freedom to serve each other with no expectation of anything in return, but rather use our opportunity to share the love we have been given so that others may know the love of Christ through us.  We are living epistles demonstrating that Jesus lives.
Galatians 5: 13 CEV

Stephen Barnett

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