Thursday, May 23, 2019

"you did not chose me, but I chose you..." - John 15:16-17

It is one of the mysteries of God, that He chose us from the “foundation of the earth” that we should be “fruitful”.  

It is still hard for me to fathom that God knew us before we knew Him.  It is that kind of mystery that causes me to stand in awe and wonder at His power.  The Father loves us so much, that we can ask Him anything in Jesus name, which means prayer for the things that stems from the love of the Father and His love for others will be answered.  

Fruitfulness isn’t just answered prayer, it is taking on the very nature or character of the Father’s love.  This part isn’t a struggle, it is a natural consequence and outpouring of the relationship with Him.  

May we know the depths of the love of the Father, that our lives may reflect less of us and more of Him.
John 15:16-17
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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