Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Our great High Priest - Hebrews 4:14-16

Hebrews 4:14-16  Gives us a picture of a High Priest who is different, not someone who is hired just to do a job which is how our world perceives the roles and duties of a Priest, this High Priest suffered for us in every way, not for His own self-aggrandizement, but became a servant that He might create a pathway for us to approach the Father and receive His grace (kindness) in any situation we face.  

When we approach the Father we are not left without resource, we are given a toolbox filled with tools which we can utilize to communicate with the Father our needs confidently and effectively.  

What are these tools?  
Prayer, the gift of tongues, and communion.  

Prayer to communicate what is in our minds, the gift of tongues to communicate what is in our spirit, and communion to declare the death of our High Priest who has paved this pathway to the Father with His blood, in whose shoes we stand in.  We have inherited this privilege to stand before the Father, but as in any inheritance, for us to receive the benefit willed to us, the testator must die.   

So our great High Priest named Jesus Christ died to made a way for us to approach the throne of grace (kindness), and we do so with boldness, confidence, and assurance that our Father loves us, He will hear us, and will answer us.  We are the children of the living God because of the loving sacrifice of our great High Priest.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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