Tuesday, June 4, 2019

"...Everything in heaven and earth is yours..." - 1 Chronicles 29:11

1 Chronicles 29:11-13 Is a passage which flies in the face of many who say that the earth is in the control of Satan, King David states quite clearly that God is sovereign over all the earth, all the earth is His and fullness thereof, and that everything in heaven and earth belongs to God.  

Satan is no more than a bad manager, who boasts in what he does not possess, he is a usurper of something that does not belong to him.  He has deceived mankind for eons, tricking us all into believing that he has a right to possess the earth when in fact he does not because he was defeated at the cross of Jesus.

David realized that by proclaiming the rightful King over all heavenly and earthly things that he was recognizing the proper order of God's design, and as such everything thing in our created world belongs to God alone, not any other spiritual entity, earthly power, or potentate.  

David doesn’t just end there, he extolled God with many attributes defining His glory and His splendor as utterly majestic. 

When believers exalt the Lord and recognize that He alone is the creator and possessor of heaven and earth, we begin the process of declaring and restoring the created order by stripping away the effects of sin and death.  We also acknowledge that we are God's chosen managers (stewards) of the earth and that Satan has been dispossessed (sacked) and removed from his assumed role. 

We can then bring order to chaos, and life from death, everything begins from recognizing the rightful King and proclaiming His glory.

Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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