Friday, September 27, 2019

.."the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life.." Romans 8:5-6 (TPT)

Being motivated by natural desires (the flesh) produces that which brings benefit to ourselves, and to the general society in which we are connected, it can also be termed as selfish-desires.  

Don’t get me wrong here, a lot of what we naturally pursue are good things, like careers, relationships, etc., which give us an awareness that we are connected to this world to contribute in ways which can be an asset to our situation and to our local economic community.

We live in the reality that we must work to somehow provide for our sustenance so that we can have shelter and food to sustain life as we know it.  Even though pursuing these things is crucial to provide for our livelihood, it is still the motivation to fulfill our desires to meet our daily requirements at the most basic levels. 

The spiritual life is a bit different but is not completely separated from the natural pursuit of our livelihood, taking the time to acknowledge God in the midst of our pursuits brings an element of faith to bear in on our lives which allow us to look beyond what we can accomplish on our own and trusts that which is beyond our efforts to achieve.

For example, many times when I was between jobs when no money was coming in even though I was actively pursuing work, I was without an income to provide for my family or to even make a house payment.  

The economy was so bad and work where I lived was difficult to find, so I began to engage in conversation with God and put this matter before Him because I had no other options other than to trust Him by faith for a better outcome than I was getting.  

Somehow even without work, I was able to make our house payment and we had ample provisions for the month, this ended up being the reality I lived in for many months, somehow resources would come outside of my natural efforts and abilities to provide which can only be attributed to God meeting our needs at the time.

These type of situations are faith-building knowing that God can meet our needs beyond what we can see and/or provide.

The spiritual life is separate but integrated into this natural life, it doesn’t have to be religious or structural, it can be just casual and conversational.  
I believe the spiritual life is no different than getting to know a friend who always stands beside you and has your backside when you need Him most.

That is what growing in the spiritual life is all about, getting to know Jesus who is closer than a brother or a dearest friend.

Some friendships don’t last for long, but there is one loving friend who is joined to your heart closer than any other!  Proverbs 18:24 (TPT)

Pursuing the spiritual is truly about pursuing life, it is when the natural and the spiritual are integrated that it is called abundant life (or a full life), and the result is amazing things can occur.  We can literally be changed into people of faith who trust in what we cannot see, and knowing the realities of faith can penetrate into our lives in tangible ways.

On another level, I have seen people who have needed healing from disease become restored, I have also seen people who were drug addicts with hepatitis become fully healed and totally clean from the disease.  This is when the spiritual meets the natural and God shows up and faith is released.  Like I said earlier this isn’t about being religious, but about being relational.  God meets us at our greatest need.

When Jesus entered the village of Capernaum, a captain in the Roman army approached him, asking for a miracle. “Lord,” he said, “I have a son who is lying in my home, paralyzed and suffering terribly.” Jesus responded, “I will go with you and heal him.”  
Matthew 8:5-7 (TPT)

There are times when the need is so great that we cannot do any more than we are able, and we reach the end of ourselves and look God for help beyond our abilities, He is always faithful to hear us and to respond in ways we can understand.  It is at those times when God brings us closer to Himself to trust Him and rely on Him to meet us where we are at.  

That is the amazing thing about God, He never requires us to be anything more than what we are.  It is when religion gets in the way and perverts that message that we lose the simplicity of who God is. 

What is your need today?  Do you need healing?  Hope? Provision? Or just need the love of a friend?  

God is there to meet you at your greatest need, just reach out to Him in conversation and tell Him, He will hear you and meet you where you are.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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