Thursday, October 10, 2019

"And he (Jesus) is the head of the body, the church" Colossians 1:18-20 (TPT)

Jesus started something new, once He was resurrected it started a chain reaction that continues even to this day.  

This chain reaction that started is He was the only firstborn from the dead ever, but there would be many to follow in His wake.  The physical death that He died was real, He was tortured and killed, but like an enemy, He defeated death by not allowing it to have rule or dominance over Him.  

Because of the fact of the resurrection, He went way beyond natural laws and put in place a much higher law, which was the law of love.

This set in motion the domino effect for everything else in our paradigm, the control or mastery He exhibited over death now gives Him supremacy over everything in our created world.  Literally, the cross changed everything.  

Christ Jesus created everything in the beginning which is held together by Him and for Him, His creation was to declare His beauty and majesty, also to testify of the eternal spiritual world which co-exists with the natural temporal world.  Suddenly the natural and the spiritual world were re-united in a spectacular fashion which was through His death and resurrection.

Christ Jesus set in motion a creative force which caught everything by surprise, He brought balance to the equation of sin and death, He literally, put sin to death in His body by being the innocent participant in this act of love.  No one can show greater love than to give one’s life for His friends, Christ Jesus calls us His friends if we receive His words and respond to them.

Man traded away the spiritual connection to this natural world by allowing Satan to deceive him and giving him control of the outcome of Man’s destiny by appealing to his natural mind and ignoring (or denying) the spiritual connection.

Jesus transcended the natural laws, as well as all Jewish laws to become what He was destined to be from the beginning, the Lord of all creation.  He canceled and lifted the curse that was placed on mankind through His resurrection. 

The passage above says:

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” 

There would be nothing to reconcile if Christ Jesus had not been the creator or owner of all things from the beginning, it says that all things are reconciled through Him by God, not just some things, not just spiritual things, but ALL THINGS.  

This flies in the face of present-day religious thought which puts Jesus in a box and declares that there is “separation between church and state”, between natural and spiritual.  

This passage makes it VERY CLEAR that there is no longer any separation between the natural and the spiritual, but they are interconnected through Christ Jesus.

Whether you see it or not makes no difference, there is a confluence between the natural and spiritual worlds, Christ Jesus has redeemed His creation, and at the same time Satan is doing all that He can to take down as many people as he can before he is put in His place, which is why evil is so prevalent in this world at this moment.  

But we have a resource which is the love of God to counter the evil that besets us and declare the mercies of God over the created order.  

We can also cast off the demonic powers which are infecting the natural world and release creation back to the Lord, that is where our role comes in.  

We are called to be the sons of God, Jesus was the firstborn, we are the sons that come after the resurrection.  We have been empowered with the resurrection power of Christ Jesus to overcome sin and death in our own lives, for He has made peace to reign as the sign of His supremacy through us and throughout everything that we interact with.  

His blood on the cross bought back everything that was given away (forfeited) in the garden of Eden which is now restored to us by His death on the cross. 

Christ Jesus died to restore us to our original estate which was sons of the living God.  We are only referred to as children as being part of God’s family, and as part of God’s family, we have responsibilities as mature sons to see about the family business, which is Kingdom business.  

We are to have “childlike faith” which means that faith is not “childish”, but a trust that is uncompromised and unhindered by cares and concerns of this world for He will meet our needs which we put before Him as long as we seek Him and desire Him above everything else.  

It is Christ Jesus that actually puts this type of faith within us to trust Him fully, as we grow in this faith we become aware that it is Christ within us that directs us and works through us to produce the fruit of the Spirit which comes from His peace.  We have confidence that God will see us through anything that comes our way, He will never leave us or forsake us because He lives in us.

Our focus should not be on becoming like a child, but rather becoming a son which hears and responds to our heavenly Father and standing in the authority that we have been given, that is our true identity in God’s family.  

He is the word or God, and He gives us a fresh word every day which invigorates and inspires us to go on to deeper into more profound revelations of who Christ Jesus is and how He desires to shine through us that we may become a more perfect reflection of who He is.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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