Wednesday, October 9, 2019

"..times of refreshing will stream from the Lord’s presence" Acts 3:19-20 (TPT)

This is one of the gems of scripture which has at its core so much detail which can be easily overlooked at just a simple reading.

There is a reason for bible study, it unlocks meaning and definition to passages which have been transliterated where there is not a single suitable English word to reflect the true meaning of the Greek passage or word. 

The first word which is interesting in the above passage is the word “repent” which is the Greek word “metanoia” which is a transliteration in the English for it does not fully match up to the Greek language as an exact match so this created English word attempts to capture its definition from the same meaning as the Greek language.  The word is a verb, Its meaning is "a transformative change of heart; especially: a spiritual conversion from the word "metanoiein" which means to change one's mind.  It can literally be described as one who is walking in a certain direction who stops turns around and begins walking in an opposite direction.  There is a turning, a change, which is a perfect example of what Jesus calls us to do.

The second word is “removed” the Greek word used here is “exaleiphō” which is also a verb. It is used in the emphatic sense to destroy, remove, cancel, or obliterate.  One can get a picture of God going to war against sin and totally annihilating it from our minds and our lives through Christ.

The third word is “refreshing” which is only used once in the New Testament here in verse 19.  The Greek word is “anapsyxis” which is a feminine noun, the word literally means “cooling breeze”.   There is one other time that this concept is used in scripture where this hints of the time when God walked with Adam in the cooling breeze of the day. The word also connotes revival, the recovery of breath.

The last thing I would like to highlight would be the phrase:

“…And he will send you Jesus, the Messiah, the chosen one for you.” 

This might also be rendered:

“He will send you all that has been already prepared for you through Jesus, the Anointed One”

which fits closer to the contextual body of the Pauline letters.

So with these definitions in place I could read this passage this way:

"And now you must let your mind be transformed and converted by walking in the light that God has given you, this way God will fight for you and annihilate all of the sins which are so besetting to you.  The reason that God does this is so that He can walk with you and be a cooling breeze to revive you and demonstrate His peace.  God will also send you everything He has prepared for you since the beginning of the world to be a resource for you in Christ Jesus."

This short study of just a few words opened up new meaning and depth to the passage which can bring added insight and inspiration to our study of Scripture.

There is one thing about this passage which I truly love, it is the definition of the word “refreshing” which is a “cooling breeze” which in turn can represent the revival that we desire for God to bring to the United States.  

Many generations have prayed for revival to come and have not seen it fully manifested.  Revival can be described as a walking with God where He communes and interacts with His creation as a refreshing breeze.  Revival must come to the individual before it can come corporately.  

Many historical revivals were started by simple prayers by individuals who were encountered by God in profound ways which led to corporate prayer meetings where each person attending was steeped in unity with each other desiring more of the Lord's presence for themselves and their community.     

The Welsh revival started this way, it was bathed in prayer by two sisters who were touched by God’s presence individually, and so they began meeting in a corporate prayer meeting with several others who were desiring the same thing that the presence of God would walk with them also, awe broke out amongst the attendees which can only be described as a cooling breeze which overtook them as God began walking among them in their meetings leading and directing their prayers.  A revival began to fill their community with an awareness of God that brought with it repentance, and many were literally “swept” into God’s Kingdom.

This is where we want to be in unity of spirit to desire the presence of the Lord as the Ecclesia (the Church). To have God walk among us without letting the enemy cloud our minds with the concerns of this world, but rather to ask God to direct our prayers that they may reflect His heart for our community and our world at large. 

This is why I call this portion of scripture a gem, for it has so much detail for us to consider.

May we be led into a deeper walk with Jesus, and may He walk beside us and be the cooling breeze and our true love, that we may be inspired, equipped, and empowered to pray for the revival of others, our community, and our nation that many may come to know this same love of Jesus.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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