Tuesday, October 8, 2019

“I alone am the Lord, the only one who can save you" Isaiah 43:11-13 (GNT)

Here in this passage is revealed the awareness that God is overall.  He is the one who saves us from our time of calamity, as well as from our condition of sin and death.  

God knew what would happen long before it ever came to be. Which raises a question of why?  If God knew (or predicted) what would happen to mankind before it ever happened, then why did He let it play out the way it did?  

Why did an eternal God permit this battle between good and evil, light and dark, and then sacrifice Himself on a cross to redeem us back to Himself?  Couldn't there have been easier ways to save us?

Considering the nature of human beings to be the head and not the tail, a leader instead of a follower, we were faced with a dilemma in the garden of Eden, we were chosen by God to have dominion over all creation, except for one thing, which was the tree of life in the center of the garden.  That was reserved for God alone.  Why would God put the tree of life there in the middle of the garden of Eden unless He had already predicted what His creation (man) would do.  

There was contentment for Man in following God and walking with Him in the garden during the cool of the evening, but there was a sense that there was more, something that was being withheld, what was it to be like God?  What was it like to bear the burden of creation itself and know what it means to sit as God in the heavenlies?  These were the thoughts that crept into the mind of Adam and Eve. 

These thoughts were not conceived in a vacuum, these thoughts came from a high-minded angel named Lucifer, who’s sole purpose before he was removed was leading and creating worship of God in the heavenlies.  He had great influence over many angelic beings in the plane of existence which was his reality.  It was when He saw the creation of man that Lucifer saw an opportunity to take power away from God and become Godlike in the creation.  The interesting thing to note here is that Lucifer did not want to be God himself, he only wanted equality with God, a shared Godship so to speak.  This concept appealed to a portion of the angelic community as well, so Lucifer unveiled his plan for co-equal Godship. 

God saw this as a prideful attempt by Lucifer to usurp His power and position which God chose not to share with angelic beings, but instead made mankind to be the recipient of this power, this is why the tree of life was placed in the center of the garden and not in some far-off unseen heavenly place.

Lucifer, in his anger against God rebelled and took great exception to God’s plan which he saw as a waste of time and resource which could be better used by the angelic community to bring the Godlike nature to them, after all, they were already worshipping God and singing Gods high praise, this would be a short move to sharing the throne of God as well, or so they thought.

God responded to Lucifer’s pride and decided that his place in heaven was compromised and his worship was tainted with pride and ambition and was no longer a pleasing aroma to God but carried with it the foul stench of rebellion.  God removed Lucifer from heaven, through Lucifer’s influence he took a third of all of the angelic beings with him and they were all castigated and assigned to the earth.  Which is where mankind was given rule over all of the created order.

Adam and Eve would have obeyed God and have avoided the tree of life in the center of the garden, if it weren’t for the influence of Lucifer (now called Satan) attempting to deceive Eve by the same argument he posed in Heaven for which he was removed, “you can be Godlike if you eat the apple from the tree of life”.

Justification for this thought entered into Eve’s mind “It would be good to be like God, knowing good from evil.” So she took the bait and then gave it to Adam.  In taking the bait, all legal right to man’s dominion over created order was transferred over to Satan and to the angels that followed Him to earth. 

The plan was simple, now mankind had to die because the penalty for sin was death, Satan knew this and thought that this would be the ultimate revenge upon God by corrupting His creation by not allowing him co-equal Godship.  God predicted this outcome and knew that the only way for man to come to the full knowledge of who God wasn’t by observing the outward manifestations of obedience alone, it was much more than that, for there had to be a penalty.  

Man still had to die, but by receiving the death of Christ Jesus as our own death, (our scapegoat) God could provide the appropriate sacrifice for sin, not by man's effort.  It is when we come to the cross of Jesus and reckon ourselves dead to sin, and receive the free gift of God’s sacrifice for sin on our behalf that we can be made alive in Christ.

What Satan meant for evil, God meant for Good so that man could be redeemed through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. 
This doesn’t remove Satan and his demons from the world, they are still here and are still angry because they still want equality with God, that has not changed and their time here on earth is short to attempt to accomplish this impossible feat.  

It is when we are restored to a right relationship with our heavenly Father that we can once again assume dominion over all creation and remove any demonic force that tries to usurp control over God’s creation from a rebellious heart and speak the blessings and the affection of God over everyone and everything we encounter.  

When we speak from a changed heart of obedience to Christ and release the heart of God over all of creation that same change takes hold of creation.  Satan hates this because it establishes God’s plan for mankind in its fullness and excludes him.

God predicted that He (Himself) would have to be the sacrifice (penalty) for sin to save mankind from dying in their sins.  This was the only way to assure that man had an opportunity, a way out of sin without having to physically die as Jesus did on our behalf.

As we die to our old sinful nature and reckon ourselves dead to sin, and receive Jesus’ sacrifice as our penalty, it releases a new life (a resurrected life) of Christ in us.

This is the why in the question above, the Lord is our Savior. He is the only one who can not only save us from ourselves but also from the effects of sins that so easily beset us.

Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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