Wednesday, January 8, 2020

"The entire universe is standing on tiptoe.." Romans 8:18-19 (TPT)

I do not believe that any of us ever realized that we were history makers when we first started walking with the Lord. 

Everything in this created universe (even the purpose for creation itself) is earnestly waiting for us to be revealed as God's sons and daughters. 

Everything in this created universe was created for God's children, for them to take their position as rulers and overseers to remove the curse of sin and death that creation may live without the corruption and decay that sin has brought into the created order.

We are to depose these spiritual despots who have rebelled against God's design; they were only put here temporarily as place holders for humankind until Jesus was revealed, and creation was put in its proper order once again. 

These principalities and powers are of much lesser spiritual authority than our God. They have assumed that they would always have this position of power on the earth, but our God declares otherwise.

These dark spiritual forces fight against us and the purposes of God on the earth to such a degree that they presently possess the land and the people who are not committed to the Lord and His purposes. 

Even those who are committed to the Lord suffer under their onslaught as these demonic forces oppose the Lord and His rule on the earth. 

Many a great Christian leader has fallen when pride or avarice has captivated their mind, or when desire or lust has tempted them with sensual pleasures. The principalities and powers are always looking for ways to compromise our virtue to render us powerless and rob us of our God-given authority to rule and reign with Christ on the earth.

There is much to be said about our ultimate aim as sons and daughters of the King. We have a high calling, which is leading us to be holy and undefiled by the lure of sin, not because we are to live piously or self-righteously, but so that these despotic kings of the earth may not find anything in us to disqualify us from our heavenly authority. 
We are Kings and Priests unto our God;
  • Kings because we will rule upon the earth with Christ's authority previously given to mankind back in the garden of Eden and now ours in Jesus,
  • and Priests because we serve an ever-present living God who loves and adores us, He wants to live in us and express His life through us.
Now you have the context of the above verse; our suffering is but a trifle in comparison to "the magnitude of glory to be revealed in us," which is why all creation is waiting with eager expectation the revelation of the sons and daughters of God

The Greek word for "revealed" is "apokalyptō," where we get the word Apocalypse. The word Apocalypse means "an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling." 

The writer of Hebrews (assuming it was Paul) wanted to tell his readers so much more than he did but was afraid that they were too dull of understanding to receive the revelations that he had been given. (see Hebrews 5:11) However, all is not lost; we have the Holy Spirit which will reveal to us what we need to know when we need to know it so that we will remain virtuous and victorious over anything that comes our way. 

What I have described is the marvelous beauty of Christ; we have everything we need at the ready to be an overcomer for the Kingdom. The sheer beauty of this verse has revealed that all of God's universal creation is egging us on to become what we are destined to become. I find it comforting that all creation is expecting this of us. 

Jesus restored us to right relationship with Himself and the Father by defeating Satan on the cross; Jesus stripped him of his right to rule and gave it back to mankind. 

We tend to use Christianese terms which have lost their meaning over the millennia due to their overuse and lack of understanding or revelation, adding a bit of definition here may help us understand the purpose for our believing. 

We have authority over sickness by the power of our words by declaring our healing or the healing of others by virtue of who we are in Christ; we are His sons and daughters. 

We can speak miracles over our land and government which will fall in line with the purposes of God when we declare it. There are so many more resources that have yet to be discovered that we have available to us to restore creation to its original design; we merely need to ask for it. 

“You want things, but you cannot have them, so you are ready to kill; you strongly desire things, but you cannot get them, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have what you want because you do not ask God for it.” James 4:2 (GNT)

 All creation is "standing on tiptoe" looking at us to see if we will become what was promised, God is patiently waiting for the right time and the right place to reveal His masterpiece to the world. 

Our enemies will not willfully go without a fight. Still, we have something they do not have, which is the Spirit of the Lord, that gives us strength and might to not only victoriously defeat him, but for us to overcome all obstacles that beset us. 

 Weakness has been our Achilles heel in the past, but now has become our weapon, our weakness has become our greatest strength. For in Christ, I can do all things by Him who strengthens me. Not just some things, but ALL things.

“I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.” 
Philippians 4:12-13 (TPT)

That is what we need to remain victorious and an overcomer, the secret is Christ in you!  We are history makers for God's Kingdom.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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