Thursday, January 9, 2020

"..we have this confidence.." - 1 John 14-15 (TPT)

We have been given the confidence to come before our King, and He will not deny our presence. 

Our confidence is based on faith in the fact that He loves us and would do anything for us to keep us in His love. 

It is when we stand before Him that we realize that the love of God is beyond reason and figuring out, it flows like a river that is too deep and too wide to cross, yet we are invited to jump in and swim with Him, to immerse ourselves in the very essence of that very love. 

We have a unique position with our King; it is a position of honor that has been afforded to us by the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf. Our King sees the beauty of His creation in us as we stand before Him. He sees Christ within us as we are taken on this journey of daily growth and development in the spirit. 

When we stand before Him, we stand with nothing more than our nakedness exposed before Him; He sees within us beauty in that nakedness which He covers with the new man He has created for us, which is Christ Himself.

“We are convinced that even if these bodies we live in are folded up at death like tents, we will still have a God-built home that no human hands have built, which will last forever in the heavenly realm. We inwardly sigh as we live in these physical “tents,” longing to put on a new body for our life in heaven, in the belief that once we put on our new “clothing” we won’t find ourselves “naked.” 2 Corinthians 5:1-3 (TPT)

We can present any request “agreeable” to His will, and He will hear us. We may not get the answer we desire, but He does hear our hearts and will respond as we present our petitions. 

As we are transformed into the new man to look more and more like Christ, even our requests change to reflect God’s heart for this world and others as we continue to become more and more like Him. 

Again, He hears us, and it gives Him pleasure that we come to Him with our petitions, He is never burdened by our constant requests as long as our hearts are exposed before Him. 

The Lord desires a teachable spirit within us so that he can grow us into the man or woman that brings Him glory.

Today’s passage makes an incredible claim that if He hears us, then “we have obtained the requests we have asked of Him.” We don’t have to struggle to repeat our prayers or requests over and over to Him, for we have been heard. 

We can rest in confidence that He will perform on our behalf and bring about the result He requires in our lives. 

There are some basics when it comes to petitioning the Lord’s will for us and others;
  • God always loves (that never changes)
  • He puts His covering upon us
  • He hears our petition
  • He answers our petition

We can approach Him as I said earlier with our complete confidence that we may have what we ask.

What are God’s desires? He desires that His people are healed and restored when they are sick. We can pray individually or with other brothers and sisters that healing would come to our bodies, and we are restored. 

Healing is not only in the form of bodily healings, but we can also pray for healing of our relationships with others that wholeness may be the result, God desires that our relationships with others be restored when they are severed or strained. 

We can also pray for the healing of the land, which has also borne the effects of sin. We can pray that sin is removed, and the effects of sin on the land are eradicated. Healing can take many forms, and it is one of the ways that God shows His power in our lives.

Another way of approaching God’s will is to pray for miracles that God may show Himself strong in ways which only God can do. Miracles are graces that demonstrate His love for us and others and bring about an intervention that shows that He is involved in our lives.

Another way of approaching God’s will is praying for deliverance when people are oppressed demonically; this may require the help of other believers, but demonstrates that our God wants us all to be free from anything that enslaves us that we may know His freedom. 

There are many ways to approach God and ask for His will in our lives.  We can do so boldly!

We stand in confidence that He not only hears us but answers our prayers.  We have the assurance of His love, and the affirmation of the Holy Spirit that this is so.
Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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