Wednesday, March 4, 2020

"I stand at the door and knock.." - Revelation 3:20-21 (GNT)

Jesus is always knocking on our door; He does have a propensity to get in front of us even if we turn away from Him. 

We are His sons and daughters, and He will never forsake His own. With that in mind, Jesus continually speaks to us so that we can hear His voice; this is a voice that is not condemning and harsh, but loving and kind. He reaches out to us to let us know that we are important to Him, we tend to think of ourselves as unimportant or just one of the many people that the Lord speaks to, but that is not the case. 

The Lord's omnipotence can speak to and love a million people at the same time, and each one has a special and unique relationship with Him. The Lord always meets us where we are and lets us know that we are not only treasured by Him, but we have a unique call upon us that only He can validate, for He is the one who gave us that calling.

When Jesus comes to us, He asks respectfully as He continually approaches us. He knocks, letting us know that we are loved enough for Him to pursue us; this is a continual knocking, not just a casual knocking. We then listen for His voice as He speaks to us in the clear and precise language of His love for us, that is one thing about the Lord He is like a lover that pursues us and never lets up.

We are wooed to open up our hearts and let Him in our lives because of His constant pursuit of us, He is like a relentless bloodhound that finds His prey, but in our case, it is about His love for us.

He tells us that He will come in and have a meal with us. 
In ancient Jewish culture, it was considered an intimate act sharing a meal with another person. The very food that is entering your body nourishing and sustaining you is also entering my body nourishing and sustaining me, so from that aspect, we are one.

Jesus also tells us that He is the "bread of life," and as we eat of Him we receive His life within us. Jesus is the "manna that came down from heaven" that gives us life. He is the heavenly food that God provides for us.  John 6:35

He says that He will come into our house; it is amazing imagery that our soul is considered a dwelling place that He could enter. Jesus desires to enter into our heart (our mind) and not only share an intimate meal with us but make His home within us and abide there. It is this awareness that our God loves and desires us both corporately and individually, which makes the Christian experience so captivating.  John 14:2-3

It may seem as though Jesus is changing up His thinking as He goes on speaking about "those who win the victory," but He hasn't changed His thought about intimately receiving of Him at all, victory in Jesus is about receiving of Him and Him abiding in us. Paul described this as the "secret."

"God's plan is to make known his secret to his people, this rich and glorious secret which he has for all peoples. And the secret is that Christ is in you, which means that you will share in the glory of God." 
Colossians 1:27 (GNT)

Winning the victory is winning Christ; if it had something to do with what we do to obtain victory, then it would be considered works, but our God is only pleased by Faith and not works. 

It is what He accomplishes in the life of His sons and daughters that matters; we grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus as we interact with Him and others every day, that is the victory He desires.

"And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ's full stature." 
Ephesians 4:13 (GNT)

"I will give the right to sit beside me on my throne." His sons and daughters will rule and reign with Him, that is our destiny as His family. Incredibly, this theme is throughout the scripture, especially in the book of Revelation. We are a heavenly family, we were always meant for Him, and He was meant for us.

Jesus has completed what He came to earth to do, which was to restore the nations unto Himself and to reclaim everyone back to Himself, we are His inheritance. He did the impossible and is now seated on His Father's throne. We have a bright future with Jesus that declares nothing but victory in every aspect. We are victorious because He is victorious, and we share in that victory because we are in HIM!

We live in the reality of two dispensations, the "Now and Not Yet," even though Jesus has beaten and bested His enemies, it is upon His return that all principalities and powers will bow down and abdicate their rule. 
We will rule and reign in their stead with Jesus forever, for now, we live in this victory, knowing that we stand victorious in Christ Jesus by the Faith he gave us. 

Be Blessed;
Stephen Barnett

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