Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mighty, MIGHTY Savior!

              Psalm 24: 7-10 (GWT)
Lift your heads, you gates.
Be lifted, you ancient doors,
    so that the king of glory may come in.
Who is this king of glory?
    The Lord, strong and mighty!
    The Lord, heroic in battle!
Lift your heads, you gates.
Be lifted, you ancient doors,
    so that the king of glory may come in.
Who, then, is this king of glory?
    The Lord of Armies is the king of glory!

It is incredible that the Lord responds to us no matter where we are in our lives, His attributes are endless – like His love.  One of the attributes often overlooked is His might!  How many times He has beaten the enemies in our lives.

2 Chronicles 20: 14-15 (GWT)
The the LORD’S Spirit came to Jahaziel…..(and) Jahaziel said, “Pay attention to me everyone from Judah, everyone living in Jerusalem, and King Jehoshaphat.  This is what the LORD says to you:  Don’t be frightened or terrified by the large crowd.  The battle isn’t yours.  It’s God’s.

Time and time again God has shown Himself to be strong fighting on our behalf as our Mighty Warrior King.

            Exodus 13: 13-14 (NASB)
But Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.  The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.”
It is truly an amazing God we serve, that He not only loves us, but fights for us and protects us from our enemies.  The one word that stands out to me concerning  this aspect of God is that He tells us consistently not to be afraid while He battles our enemies.  That is one of my biggest challenges not letting fear dictate my response to my circumstances.

Revelation 19: 11-13 (GWT)
I saw heaven standing open. There was a white horse, and its rider is named Faithful and True. With integrity he judges and wages war.  His eyes are flames of fire. On his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him, but only he knows what it is.  He wears clothes dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

Lord, I will put my trust in you, and I will purpose to not let fear dictate my response to circumstances, no matter what comes my way.   I know that is a mouthful to say, but you have proven yourself to be faithful again and again, by fighting on behalf of your people and bringing victory where victory seems impossible.  You do this that you might receive glory, and that I may worship you for your mighty acts of kindness toward me.  You are a Mighty God!  And a Mighty Savior!

You Are Mighty
Words and Music by Craig Musseau
You are mighty
You are holy
You are awesome in your power

You have risen
You have conquered
You have beaten the pow'r of death

Al - le - lu - ia we will rejoice
Al - le - lu - ia we will rejoice

©1989 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing
CCLI #499548

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