Thursday, May 16, 2019

"...He will rejoice over thee with joy..." - Zephaniah 3:17

The LORD in us is Mighty.  Words that inspire and encourage. 

We often imagine GOD as stoic and somber not showing emotion, but quite the opposite is true.  This passage states that “HE will rejoice over you with joy” that word rejoice here means God spins around and dances over us with joy. Our GOD is a Mighty King and we sing praises to Him for who He is, but at the same time He celebrates us with joyful dance and song and rejoices over us.  

That is the God we serve who takes pleasure in His people. 

It also says “He will rest in His love” Jesus has finished the work of redemption on the cross, so now He rests and celebrates our relationship with Him by joyfully singing over us.  

Being a Christ follower for over 50 years has taught me that there is great power in celebration, rejoicing by singing and dancing for the gift of the cross given to us by King Jesus, and the restored fellowship we now have with God the Father.


Zephaniah 3:17

Stephen Barnett

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