Friday, May 31, 2019

"There will be the shout of command, the Archangel's voice..." - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

This is probably one of the most encouraging passages of scripture when we recognize that Jesus is coming soon for a bride adorned and waiting for His second coming.
It is also one of the passages which has been hotly debated over for many years as to what it actually means.  There have been many fringe sects which have set dates when Jesus should return and have been disappointed with failure.  There are also others who have attached a belief that we will be raptured by the Lord either before, after, or during the great tribulation, I’m not saying that any of these beliefs are right or wrong, that is not my place to say.  We just don’t know for certain, and the bible doesn't fully elaborate on the details.  

With all of that being said, there is one thing we do know with certainty, Jesus is returning to receive His bride, and we are being prepared as believers to reflect the very nature (or person) of Jesus as we grow in relationship with Him.  

We know His voice.  

The details of His return still remain a mystery that only the Father knows for sure, but we do know that His love for us (being His bride) is preparing us for a glorious wedding day, with a feast beyond anything we could imagine.  

And that is very encouraging.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Be Blessed
Stephen Barnett

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