Monday, June 3, 2019

"...the glorious freedom of the children of God" - Romans 8-21

Romans 8:18-21 The Lord and I spent time this morning pouring over this passage of scripture to begin our Monday together, I would recommend it to you.

When we suffer as believers we have hope that the revelation of God and His Kingdom is of far greater value and purpose than anything we encounter here in this life, there can be no comparison.  God chose that all of creation would lose its original purpose, it waits for the revelation of God’s children in fullness and completeness that creation may itself be made right again.  Our destiny as Gods children is to know and live in Gods freedom, all creation waits earnestly to participate in that freedom with us.

It is amazing to think that our purpose is that simple, yet there is a caveat to that plan, there is an enemy who is working hard to prevent that plan from coming into fruition, the enemy desires to keep God's children in bondage so they will never grow into the freedom offered to them, thus never fulfilling their true destiny.  

This enemy is ruthless, cruel, and relentless in his attempts to derail Gods plan, but God is equally relentless in pursuing His children with love, tender mercies, and loving kindness to encourage them to stay the course so they come to know who they are, and enjoy the fullness of the God that resides within them, that they may live out their true heritage.  

We have all been called to glorious freedom in Christ Jesus, and to speak that freedom to all of creation. 

We are Sons and Daughters of the Living God!  We Trust Him, for He is faithful!
Stephen Barnett

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